Wow. It has been almost three months since I last wrote a blog. Sad things guys.
Well, I'm pretty much here to tell you why I haven't written a blog in almost three months.
As some of you may know, I started my year long masters program this fall. Long story short, grad school took up a lot more of my time than I thought it would.
Going into this fall I didn't think I'd be able to keep up with my weekly blogs, but I didn't have time to write anything. I had no motivation to write anything.
I have been so stressed out these past three months. It's been terrible. I had never been so stressed in my entire life.
When I wasn't doing homework and writing lesson plans I was either in class, teaching, eating, or sleeping. That has been my life for the past few months.
I didn't have time to write and it was really sad. I even stoped journaling you guys. Journaling. Thats how busy I've been. I've been journaling everyday for over five years.
And I didn't even have the time to write my IndyCar season reviews and that is like one of my favorite things to write.
Grad school really ruined me you guys.
But lets look on the bright side, I finished my first semester of grad school and I survived! Thats all that matters.
And I'm writing right now.
Anyways, I just wanted to write a blog to let everyone in on what been happening and why I haven't been writing.
I meant to do this two months ago, but hey hey it didn't happen.
Essentially, I just want to officially say that I am going on a hiatus from my blog. Well, I have been on a hiatus. As for the next semester I think the hiatus will resume, but I'll have to wait and see what the spring brings. I mean, I'll be teaching full-time and applying for my teaching license and trying to find job, how busy could I be? Ha.
But as for the next month as I am on winter break, I plan on doing some writing.
You can expect my typical year in review (especially since I've been MIA for the past several months), I plan on writing an IndyCar blog just catching up on a few things I've missed over the fall that I'd like to write about and maybe if I'm real motivated I'll write my IndyCar season reviews just three months late. Ha.
Anyways, for those that still actually read my blog, thanks for sticking around. I appreciate it.